Category Archives: Of Excavations and Visions….

To my Skylark ….


“We look before and after, and pine for what is not” : My favourite line from the English literature. Its meaning to me has always been clear. But lately, it has taken over a new one, as if trying to match the variation in the hues that made up my life so far.

What I want to write today has nothing to do with a generally felt emotion or a commonly fought battle. It has nothing to do with the “everydayness” of everybody’s life but it has everything to do with the basis of mine.

As kids, in school, we were taught that parents are next to god. They can do no wrong and have only our best interest in mind. We were also told that loving your siblings and respecting your parents could book a first class ticket to heaven. It wasn’t a difficult thing to accept or believe way back then. The times were simpler, the troubles that surrounded us were minuscule, the fights were (believe it or not) sweet. What we were blind to, was the fact, that everything around us was designed to fool us into doing what was “right”.

The only time that I remember not being conned into doing the “right” thing was kindergarten. The days back then were all about play-dough and sand castles, colurful classrooms and legos.

But as soon as I was hit by the catastrophe of grade school, everything changed for good. The dough and sand, they were replaced with pencils and notebooks. It was not just important to participate anymore, it was important to compete, and very important to win. Every mark in the exam was scrutinised, the loss of one or even half of it, was criticised. As the years progressed, so did the competition, the competition to excel among your peers in everything you do. We, as kids, did not choose to treat our friends as enemies, we did not choose to fight for marks in the exam papers. All we did was follow the instructions handed down to us by our “gods”. We continued with this assembly line production of every step our lives, from school to college. Like a well oiled machine we functioned, fulfilling all of society’s demands.

It reached a point where I could not see any difference between what I wanted from my life and what they wanted my life to shape into. I could not diffrentiate between what I wanted to choose and the choice I made. All that I knew was that I was a good daughter, a good student and that was all that mattered. It was only after two years of working in this profession “chosen” by me, after living the “independent” life, that I realised how naive I had been. It was as if someone smashed the dark,opaque glass wall in front of my eyes and removed the remaining pieces one by one.

It all started when I was slowly made aware that I was a failure in my profession.This made me understand that I was not meant to sit in front of a computer and code all day long. A new found interest in theatre and writing, made me come to terms with the fact that I was, after all, an “artsy” person. Breaking this news to my family, did not turn out to be tough. They understood and felt the pain I was in. But all said and done, I am sure of one thing. If I decide to quit my well-paying job and go for a full time career in something related to the arts, I would be asked a thousand questions. I would be reprimanded for ruining my career , for ruining my life. What I am also sure of is that If I disclose my plans of marrying by my choice, these very same people would not think twice before asking me to quit my job and come home, lest “society” finds out we live in the same city before marriage. Where do the concepts of successful career and independence and a good pay-cheque go in this case ?

From school to college to career to life. Every step we take is defined and pre-determined by “society” or so we are told. Who is this “society”, what constitutes it? Is it not just a collection of people like me, people like you? Why then would you or me make rules that would end up hurting another one of our kind? Why is it that people forget that we get but one life. We get one chance, only one, to do what we can with these limited breaths allotted to us. What is the point, then, of being controlled by an unknown entity and be bothered about what it would think? I am not saying that there is no need of a society or structure for the human race. I do believe that we need some form of organization to prevent the inherent barbarism in each one of us to take shape into reality. But why can we not let this form of organization be just that ? Why do we have to consider it to be the sole authority on how a man should execute every step of his life ? Is this life not his own for him to make mistakes, to take chances, to live as he pleases?

Finally, I am forced to ask  – was Percy B. Shelley constricted by similar thoughts when he wrote :

” We look before and after,

And pine for what is not :

Our sincerest laughter

With some pain is fraught;

Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.”



continued from Rediscovery ….

“What did I get myself into?”, she thought to herself as she drove to her first performance. Well, that was all that she did for quite a while as the usual forty-five minute drive to the studio became an infinite maze of loops and turns and potholes. It was as if the road just did not want to bend towards the destination or was it that she did not want it to? Whatever it was , it took her more than an hour to reach. She entered and realized she wasn’t alone. All the happy faces she had known for the past three weeks seemed to have a veil of uncertainty, probably caused by the need to know that a fool would not be made out of them, that day.


Why do we fear what we do not know? What can that fear get us? We would only know what would happen, once it happens. Why can we not just give our future the chance of being just that. If we all lived lives that had a script engraved in stone (with all of us having a miniature replica of the one carrying our’s) where would the point in living it lie.


The day ended. She had done her part. All the fears she had going in, were now as irrelevant to her as the ending suggested by the audience to complete the scene she’d performed as a part of an interactive presentation. She’d gone in fearing she would end up making a fool of herself. She’d come out , having done exactly that. But contrary to her expectations, she had no embarrassment, no fear of having been judged and failed in many opinions. For once in her life, she had let go and that is when she found herself.



continued from A Leap

“I would like to meet Mr. Shakespeare and tell him what really is in a name”,she thought to herself.Standing in that huge circle made up of people she had known barely a few moments, she was faced with the most irritating challenges.They had all just been asked to introduce themselves in a unique way, expressing their names through some representative action and sound.”Did my parents really have to choose this name for me? Why not something as simple as a Roshni or Diya or Pumpkin for that matter??Why this weird no-name of a name ,which has no meaning, no possibility of being broken into mini-words of meaning,no sound reflective of its meaning?”While all these questions crowded her mind, people before her, had had their chance and done well.Now, it was her turn.All the eyes looking at her , all the hearts thumping hard.In a split second, she came up with some action that had nothing to do with the name , but somehow helped get the name across(Well,she used the cheerleaderish way of expressing a word!!).It was done.Over.And she didn’t feel like as big a fool as she thought she would.Phew!!She didn’t know it then, but this one act of foolishness was to redefine her life in ways that were inexplicable at that moment.It was then that she started deleting the “I” in “inhibition”.She knew that her own mind was playing tricks on her, telling her to do something a particular way and to do it that way only, any other way would be madness,pure madness!!


No man is born fully clothed.No man is born with inhibitions.What is it that makes us want to fit the pre-approved mould,even if it means trimming down parts of our being?At the risk of sounding preachy, I would like to point out that it is no one else but us,you and me.We see and hear things around us and start believing in them ,without questioning or reasoning the need for it in our lives.We do so because it is the easier thing to do,it takes less effort in following than leading.Questioning an established school of thought leads to friction and with so much trouble in our already,over-complicated lives, who needs more friction?


“If only everyone here knew what  laughing out loud, from the pit of the stomach , rolling on the floor,getting in physical contact with strange people, means for a convent educated, prim and proper girl.It means un-learning everything that the school had taught you about lady-like behaviour.If only….” She was trying hard not to let the convent bred school girl inside her get the better of her natural, wilder self.After all, imitating an animal or a lifeless machine in front of so many people, does take much convincing.After a while though, the wounds that were caused by the ripping apart of the fake skin ,healed.She settled in her new self.She started mingling with people, learning new ways of expressing the same emotion.She understood how sometimes acting like the greatest fool can help you get your sanity back.

As she went back home that day and tried to reflect upon what happened ,she knew one thing.Things would never be the same again.

to be continued……

A Leap


6 A.M : the alarm rings…… she had set this tone herself because it sounded “nice”, but today she can easily call it the most annoying sound bite ever.It takes all her courage to lift a finger and press snooze.Aah!!The sweet sound of silence!These extra few minutes of sleep,nothing can compete with them!

6:30 A.M : the silence is broken,the whole process is repeated..7:00 A.M…7:30 A.M…8 A.M..WAIT!!! She can not afford to press snooze this time,or she’ll be late for work yet again .She’s not a very punctual person , but she hates the piercing look from her boss, every time she enters the office after him.After another fifteen minutes of tossing and turning in bed, trying to turn back time and sleep some more, she wakes up.


Living life in these small “snoozoids” is what our days are all about now.From the mad rush in the morning to reach office to the tiring routine of cooking dinner and cleaning up after at night,all we try and do is balance a thousand things and breathe in the gaps that some of us(the lucky ones!!) manage to carve out somehow.Balancing between a job and the household, family and boyfriend,colleagues and friends.A thin rope, is what it is-this life and we are mere circus artists,trying to walk it.

So many questions plague our minds everyday, but we don’t have the time to sit and figure out the answers.I,for one, am continuously asking myself questions like -When do i think i should get married? Does marriage actually fit into my life ? Will life change after marriage , or will it only add on to the list of things that make it a mundane affair?How do i convince my parents to not look for a groom for me?Am i appreciated at work? When would I get a hike in my salary?Do i look pretty today?Have I lost any weight ? and the list goes on…

These questions, they are a plenty,but the answers scarce.It’s a fast-paced , competitive world.All of us fear being left behind, but in this mad race to end up gaining everything, we end up losing the little we started with.


Today is a slow day at work.Her Boss called in sick today.She decides she will take off early today.But when the time comes to leave, she has no idea what she would do next.To have time to spend luxuriously is something she isn’t used to.But before some guilt ridden thought can stop her, she runs away from office.With no particular place to go , she takes off in her two-wheeler.It is drizzling.The weather is good, the roads empty.She keeps driving .Finally she reaches a nice quaint little cafe.A cappuccino , a brownie and her thoughts.Is she really in the place in her life ,she thought she would be in ?The answer is a clear “No”, no doubts, no questions.She had been a creative person all her life,she wanted to get into theater ,music ,the arts.But , she did not have the courage.

Is it too late to go back to all of it now?As she poses this question to herself,her eyes fall on this small notice board that this cafe has.(You know, the kind where they put up ads for small events happening across town.)There was a tiny colorful note that informed about a theater group of working professionals , who organize workshops only on weekends and do plays all around the city .She rushes to the board, notes down the address and the contact number.


Sometimes all you need to move ahead is to go back a little.In your past may lie the key to your future.While you keep running after larger than life goals, you might find happiness and calm in something as insignificant as waking up and smelling the first rain of the season,watching a movie you loved as a kid,meeting an old friend,catching up on an old hobby.Feeling trapped in your life may not always be a bad thing.Use it as a means to push yourself to find your true calling.It might take time to turn that into a full time career but the satisfaction you will get by getting involved in it all over again, might help you look past the dissatisfaction of your routine ridden life.Just close your eyes and take a leap, a leap of faith in your dreams and you will find peace.