A Letter for You


Dear Diary,
I wish to talk to you today. I hope you have some free time in your super busy schedule for listening to me. Before saying anything else, let me apologize for not having spoken to you for almost 3 months now. You see, the thing is, I had too much to do, too many things to juggle. I kept yearning to come back to you, talk to you, tell you what all was happening, but something or the other always came up. I know you must have assumed by now that I am saying all this just to pacify you, just to make excuses to get away with my rude behavior. But the truth of the matter is, this ain’t no lie.
When I last talked to you, I was ecstatic about my first theater performance, I was frustrated with office, I had a lot of questions about my life that were unanswered. Well, a lot has changed in these three months!! Where do I begin? Actually, this was also one of the reasons I didn’t come back earlier. I kept thinking how to tell you, how to start this conversation. It’s tough, you know, opening up to someone after such a long gap. Well , here goes …
Ever since that first performance, many have followed. I got a beautiful opportunity to perform at this small school run by an NGO for academically exceptional students who have financial constraints. This was by far the brightest and the most driven bunch of students I have ever seen. The way they looked at life, the way they took each step in a calculated manner, belittled many of us successful “professionalsโ€.
Do you remember the time when all I could do was ask questions and expect a magical cure for all my problems from you? I knew I wouldnโ€™t be getting any quick-fix solutions but I think you understand why I needed to throw my problems at you. I decided to confide in you only after making sure that no judgment would be meted out to me in return.
Most of my problems still exist, but their impact on my life has reduced manifold. Work is still more like a battlefield. The troubles of my personal life still continue to twist and turn sometimes in a favorable direction and sometimes not so much. But I feel this surge of positive energy within me, an indefatigable will to fight these troubles. I donโ€™t know what has brought about this change. It could be the freedom that my theater experience has given me, it could be the liberation I feel every time I confide in you, it could be the joy of being able to write down my thoughts or it could be all these reasons combined.
For whatever it is worth, I thank you for listening to me crib about what seems to be a perfect life and never complaining. I also apologize for this long gap in our communication.

With lots of love

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