Something old, and Something new…


How easy it is to be in your comfort zone and never think of what’s outside the shell you’ve restricted  yourself to !

How easy it is to be happy with what you have and not go out and test yourself against your biggest fears!

How easy to find happiness in a pause!

Blame it on the human nature, or the very famous curiosity that managed to kill the cat, but I couldn’t just let myself be there, to live in that pause. I wanted to press play, and move ahead. I know that, that pause in life had its pitfalls, it had issues I complained day-in and day-out about. And I could’t wait to get out. But when I did it , once the play button had been clicked, I realised there was no option to rewind. What I have left behind, is gone. It was bad for me, but it was comfortable, kind of like a huge slice of a gooey chocolate cake in the middle of the night!

They say, new is better. You get to try out different things, you get to meet new people. And it is , but it doesn’t bring with it the charm of the old, until it becomes, well.. old!

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I want to crawl back into my old situation, but despite its flaws, I miss it! I long for this new place to be like the old, I long for it to be my something old and something new!

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